Out of many religions, Buddhism stands out to become one of the graceful and unique ones. The main reason is, unlike other religions, Buddhism does not indulge largely in superficial components. The main focus of this religion is what its founder, Gautama Buddha learned in his penance. He learned how to let go of suffering. How to make ones life free from suffering?
According to Buddhism, our mind is the main cause of our suffering. Of course, the outside force like illness or injustice can happen but it all comes down to how our mind acknowledges it. Human brain is always dissatisfied and in motion. We never live in the moment as it is, or be thankful of everything we have. Buddha had one solution for it; accepting the things in the way they are. And not escaping our inevitable feeling. We should accept it without ruining our peace of mind. The other idea of Buddhism is to let go of cravings. A person who does not crave cannot suffer.
Want to be free of suffering?
- Stop craving.
Want to stop craving?
- Accept reality as it is.
Want to accept reality?
- Train your mind to accept it.
Keep in mind, Buddhism does not deny gods. They believe gods have no influence in the suffering of human beings. Gods can do nothing when it comes to attaining Nirvana, (Free from craving and suffering). But 99% of Buddhist did not attain Nirvana. As it takes extreme training of the mind. In my opinion, Buddhism is the most realistic and less controversial religion of our time.